Centre for Maths Excellence

meet the team

Leigh mclachlan

project lead

Leigh is the project lead for the C4ME Project, representing GIFHE locally and nationally with the Centres for Maths Excellence Project; Managing and quality assuring the whole project.

Nathan Loughlin

Maths Coach

Nathan is the intervention specialist. His role is to support students in their learning progress. Working with students 1-to-1 or in small groups, Nathan runs 1 hour sessions with students who choose to utilise his support.

Vanessa Grant

Maths Motivator

Vanessa focuses on Maths Anxiety and the engagement of students with maths as a whole, helping students develop resilience techniques and understanding what their barriers to maths education are.

Maria Kavanagh

Maths Motivator

Maria focuses on Maths Anxiety and the engagement of students with maths as a whole, helping students develop resilience techniques and understanding what their barriers to maths education are.